


  • Immunohistochemical evidence for a magnocellular somatostatin cell group in the anterior paraventricular thalamus of the rat.

    abstract::By use of the indirect immunofluorescence technique a small group of large somatostatin-positive neurons is described in the subependymal area of the anterior paraventricular thalamus of the male rat. Retrograde-tracing experiments suggest that they project to areas outside the blood-brain barrier. ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Ceccatelli S,Meister B,Hökfelt T,Elde R

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Identification of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor-containing cells in pancreatic islets.

    abstract::By a regular immunoperoxidase method, alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (Api) was demonstrated in pancreatic islets in individuals with and without genetic deficiency of Api. Subsequently a double immunoperoxidase method, with two different chromogens (diaminobenzidine-brown and 4-chloro-1-naphthol-blue), was applied on th...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Ray MB,Zumwalt RE

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Ca-ATPase and ALPase activities at the initial calcification sites of dentin and enamel in the rat incisor.

    abstract::Enzymatic activities of calcium-magnesium dependent adenosine triphosphatase (Ca-ATPase) and nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) were localized at the initial calcification sites of dentin and enamel of rat incisor teeth using electron-microscopic cytochemistry. Ca-ATPase was localized in the Golgi cisternae, cy...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Takano Y,Ozawa H,Crenshaw MA

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Sex differences in pituitary LH storage and release in LHRH-stimulated pubertal rats. A correlative immunohistochemical and radioimmunoassay study.

    abstract::This study investigates the relationship between pituitary LHRH responsiveness and the depletion of LH in pubertal rats. The anterior pituitaries of 7-week-old rats of both sexes were stimulated for a maximum of 24 h with either a continuous, or pulsatile exposure to LHRH in vitro. Immunohistochemical examination reve...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Watanabe YG

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Specialized contacts between sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum at the ends of muscle fibers in the diaphragm of the rat.

    abstract::An electron-microscopic study of the myotendinous portion of the diaphragm in the Wistar rat has shown that at the ends of muscle fibers, longitudinally oriented invaginations and peripheral furrows of the sarcolemma establish specialized contacts with individual sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The construction of...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Andreev DP,Wassilev WA

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Myotendinous junctions of tonic muscle cells: structure and loading.

    abstract::Regions within frog semitendinosus muscle that are rich in tonic muscle cells were identified histochemically by myosin adenosine triphosphatase- and succinic dehydrogenase-staining procedures. Bundles of cells still attached to tendinous insertions were removed from those sites, prepared for electron microscopy and s...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Tidball JG,Daniel TL

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Immuno-electron-microscopic analysis of the basal route of secretion in the subcommissural organ of the rabbit.

    abstract::Low-temperature-embedded tissue of the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the rabbit was analyzed for the basal route of secretory product by means of indirect immuno-metal cytochemistry (protein A-gold technique) at the electron-microscopic level. By use of (1) an antiserum against bovine Reissner's fibre (see Sterba et a...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Lösecke W,Naumann W,Sterba G

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Distribution of subgroups of noradrenaline neurons in the coeliac ganglion of the guinea-pig.

    abstract::The distributions within the coeliac ganglion of different chemically coded subgroups of noradrenaline neurons, and the relationships between these neurons and nerve fibres projecting to the ganglion from the intestine, have been assessed quantitatively by use of an immunohistochemical double-staining method. Noradren...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Macrae IM,Furness JB,Costa M

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Tracing of single fibers of the nervus terminalis in the goldfish brain.

    abstract::Central projections of the nervus terminalis (n.t.) in the goldfish were investigated using cobalt- and horseradish peroxidase-tracing techniques. Single n.t. fibers were identified after unilateral application of cobalt chloride-lysine to the rostral olfactory bulb. The central course and branching patterns of indivi...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: von Bartheld CS,Meyer DL

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Neuroendocrine cells within colorectal tumours induced by dimethylhydrazine. An immunocytochemical study.

    abstract::Colorectal adenocarcinomas were induced in male Wistar rats, by weekly subcutaneous administration of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, classified according to the degree of differentiation and submitted to immunocytochemistry for the peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), gastrin, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), glucagon, neurot...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Johnston CF,O'Neill AB,O'Hare MM,Buchanan KD

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Cholinergic neurons in the hippocampus. A combined light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemical study in the rat.

    abstract::We report here on cholinergic neurons in the rat hippocampal formation that were identified by immunocytochemistry employing a monoclonal antibody against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme. In general, ChAT-immunoreactive cells were rare, but were observed in all layers of the hip...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Frotscher M,Schlander M,Léránth C

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Crystal-associated matrix components in rat incisor enamel. An electron-microscopic study.

    abstract::Sections of glutaraldehyde-OsO4-fixed, plastic-embedded rat incisor enamel were left untreated, stained, decalcified (1% formic acid in 10% sodium citrate), or decalcified-stained. The presence of apatite crystals was monitored with electron diffraction. After brief decalcification and staining, apatite crystals and m...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Kallenbach E

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Immunocytochemical demonstration of growth hormone, prolactin and somatostatin-like immunoreactivities in the brain of larval, young adult and upstream migrant adult sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus.

    abstract::Growth hormone, prolactin and somatostatin-like immunoreactivities were demonstrated in the brains of larval, young adult (parasitic) and upstream migrant adult sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, by means of immunoperoxidase techniques. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) were observed within separate perikarya in ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Wright GM

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Morphology of tight junctions in the ciliary epithelium of rabbits during arachidonic acid-induced breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier.

    abstract::A reversible breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier in the iridial processes of rabbits has been induced by arachidonic acid as demonstrated by the passage of horseradish peroxidase at places through the tight junctions. Freeze-fracture images reveal very discontinuous P-face ridges. However, the analysis of complemen...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Noske W,Hirsch M

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Improved visualization of the immunoreactive hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system by use of immuno-gold techniques.

    abstract::Ultrastructural post-embedding immuno-gold techniques were applied to the supraoptic nucleus and the neurohypophysis of mice and rats. The primary antibodies were three different monoclonal antineurophysins, used in protein A-gold and immunoglobulin-gold procedures. Conventional plastic embedding as well as hydrophili...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Castel M,Morris JF,Whitnall MH,Sivan N

    更新日期:1986-01-01 00:00:00

  • Vascular permeability (problem of the blood-brain barrier) in the pineal organ of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri.

    abstract::The problem of the blood-brain barrier in the pineal organ of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, was investigated following intraperitoneal or intracardial injections of several tracers and dyes with different molecular weights. As demonstrated at the light-microscopic level, repeated injections of trypan blue or hor...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Omura Y,Korf HW,Oksche A

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Ontogenetic appearance of immunoreactive GRF-containing neurons in the rat hypothalamus.

    abstract::Ontogenetic development of GRF-containing neurons in the rat hypothalamus was studied employing antisera which were generated against hpGRF (1-44)NH2 and rhGRF(1-43)OH: anti-hpGRF-C and -rhGRF sera recognize the species-specific C-terminal portions of the peptides, and anti-hpGRF-MC and -N sera recognize hpGRF(27-44)N...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Daikoku S,Kawano H,Noguchi M,Tokuzen M,Chihara K,Saito H,Shibasaki T

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Fibronectin and its relation to the basal lamina and to the cell surface in the chicken blastoderm.

    abstract::The ultrastructural distribution of fibronectin immunoreactivity was investigated in the chicken embryo during late gastrulation. Sites of binding of anti-fibronectin antibodies were ascribed to the basal lamina and associated structures, and to the cell surface. The fibronectin-rich basal lamina was resolved into a l...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Harrisson F,Vanroelen C,Vakaet L

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Effects of colchicine on the ultrastructure of mouse taste buds.

    abstract::Effect of colchicine on the ultrastructure of taste bud cells was studied in the mouse. In untreated mice microtubules were abundant throughout the entire cytoplasm of type-III cells, but only in the apical cytoplasm of type-I cells. After 2 h of colchicine treatment, no microtubules were observed in any taste bud cel...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Takeda M,Suzuki Y,Shishido Y

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Enrichment of fibrillar cytoplasmic actomyosin in protoplasmic strands of Physarum polycephalum for the production of cell-free models.

    abstract::The treatment of isolated protoplasmic strands of Physarum polycephalum with 2.5% ethanol in a physiological salt solution under isometric conditions induces the formation of a large amount of mostly longitudinally organized actomyosin fibrils in the endoplasmic channel, a region normally free of actomyosin fibrils. T...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Pies NJ,Wohlfarth-Bottermann KE

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Uptake of horseradish peroxidase by bone cells during endochondral bone development.

    abstract::To investigate the mechanisms whereby bone cells absorb organic bone-matrix components during endochondral bone development, rat humeri were examined, employing horseradish peroxidase as a soluble protein tracer. Intravenously-injected peroxidase filled the osteoid layer and penetrated into the osteocyte lacunae and c...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Sasaki T,Yamaguchi A,Higashi S,Yoshiki S

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Control of the onset of migration of neural crest cells in avian embryos. Role of Ca++-dependent cell adhesions.

    abstract::To investigate the control of the timing in the epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of the neural crest into a migrating population, neural anlagen (neural tube plus crest) were isolated from 2-day quail embryos by proteases in the presence of CA++ and explanted onto substrates favourable for neural crest cell migrat...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Newgreen DF,Gooday D

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Immunohistochemical demonstration of renin in the juxtaglomerular apparatus of three Bufo species.

    abstract::The cellular localization of renin was examined in the kidneys of some amphibians of the genus Bufo by immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence techniques with an antiserum to renin isolated from the submandibular gland of the mouse. Immunoreactivity could be demonstrated in the media cells of the afferent arterioles (...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Lamers AP,Verhofstad AA,Stadhouders AM,Michelakis AM

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Lamina propria of intestinal mucosa as a typical reticular tissue. A scanning electron-microscopic study of the rat jejunum.

    abstract::The three-dimensional architecture of the lamina propria in the jejunal mucosa of the rat was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The lamina propria is a typical reticular tissue with fine nets of reticular fibers and free and fixed cells lying among them. However, the lamina propria in the core of villi displaye...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Takahashi-Iwanaga H,Fujita T

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Autophagy of mitochondria in rat bone marrow erythroid cells. Relation to nuclear extrusion.

    abstract::Late erythroblasts and reticulocytes from bone marrow of male Wistar rats were studied by electron-microscopic stereology. Late erythroblasts with morphological signs of nuclear extrusion (EN + erythroblasts) and late erythroblasts without these signs (EN-erythroblasts) were analysed separately. The volumes of mitocho...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Heynen MJ,Tricot G,Verwilghen RL

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Architecture of associations of minor salivary gland ducts and lymphoid follicles in Macaca fascicularis. An ultrastructural study.

    abstract::Previous light-microscopic and ultra-immunohistochemical tracer studies revealed the existence of an independent local immune response of the simian oral mucosa. This local response is attributed to the presence of minor salivary gland (MSG) duct-related lymphoid tissue. Semithin sections from a total of 263 Epon-embe...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Nair PN,Schroeder HE

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Immunocytochemical demonstration of neuropeptides and serotonin in the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium dendriticum.

    abstract::The present immunocytochemical study concerns the distribution of four neuropeptides, FMRF-amide, vasotocin, leu-enkephalin and neurotensin, and of the bioamine serotonin in the plerocercoid larva of Diphyllobothrium dendriticum. Anti-FMRF-amide and vasotocin-reactivity occurs in perikarya and nerve fibres in the CNS ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Gustafsson MK,Wikgren MC,Karhi TJ,Schot LP

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Daily fluctuations of nucleoli in neurosecretory cells of the rat supraoptic nucleus. An ultrastructural and stereological study.

    abstract::Daily fluctuations of nucleoli and nucleolar fibrillar centres in neurosecretory cells from the supraoptic nucleus (SON) were investigated in rats artificially synchronized for 3 weeks to a set 12 h light/12 h dark cycle with free access to food and water. Group of 3 animals were sacrificed by intracardiac perfusion e...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Bessone R,Seïte R

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • The carbohydrates of secretory granules and the glycocalyx in developing mucoid cells.

    abstract::Complex carbohydrates in secretory granules and at the apical cell surface of mouse gastric mucoid cells were studied during embryogenesis and in the early postnatal period by various cytochemical methods; the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) and tannic acid-uranyl acetate (TA-UA) procedu...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Pipan N,Psenicnik M

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • CRF-containing neurons of the rat hypothalamus.

    abstract::The immunoreactive CRF-neurons of the rat hypothalamus have been examined immunohistochemically employing anti-rat CRF serum. These neurons are confined to the paraventricular nucleus, dorsomedial-lateral hypothalamic area, and suprachiasmatic nucleus, and are, respectively, also immunoreactive to anti-Met-enk, -alpha...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Daikoku S,Okamura Y,Kawano H,Tsuruo Y,Maegawa M,Shibasaki T

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Effects of light and dark on photoreceptors in the polychaete annelid Nereis limnicola.

    abstract::The effects of light and dark on photoreceptors of the brackish-water polychaete annelid Nereis limnicola were studied by electron microscopy. Animals dark-adapted for one or two days exhibited well-formed straight microvilli (rhabdomeres) on the sensory cell processes. Continuous illumination of worms for one or two ...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Eakin RM,Brandenburger JL

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Lactation-associated redistribution of the glial fibrillary acidic protein within the supraoptic nucleus. An immunocytochemical study.

    abstract::Electron-microscopic evidence indicates that during conditions of high hormone demand such as lactation there is a dramatic reduction in the number of fine glial processes which are normally interposed between magnocellular neuroendocrine cell somata in the supraoptic nucleus (SON). The purpose of this study was to co...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Salm AK,Smithson KG,Hatton GI

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Dictyosome-like structures from guinea-pig testes lack galactosyltransferase, a Golgi apparatus marker.

    abstract::More than twenty different enzyme activities of fractions containing dictyosome-like structures (DLS) as a dominant cell component were monitored. Plasma membrane vesicles were a major contaminant of the DLS fractions, which, presumably as a consequence, were enriched somewhat in plasma membrane markers. The lysosomal...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Morré DJ,Matyas GR,Mollenhauer HH

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Primary culture of capillary endothelial cells from the spiral ligament and stria vascularis of bovine inner ear. Retention of several endothelial cell properties in vitro.

    abstract::Methods for isolation and culture of microvascular endothelial cells of the inner ear were devised to provide an in-vitro system for studying endothelial functions in this tissue. Capillaries from the stria vascularis and spiral ligament were treated enzymatically to free them from surrounding tissue. Contamination by...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Bowman PD,Rarey K,Rogers C,Goldstein GW

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Structure of tendon organs of the rat after neonatal de-efferentation.

    abstract::The number, size and structure of tendon organs were examined in leg muscles of the rat 3-19 weeks after de-efferentation performed in newborn animals by removal of the lumbosacral spinal cord. After this operation, tendon organs differentiated and grew in disused muscles and were innervated by primary sensory neurons...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Soukup T,Zelená J

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Three-dimensional organisation of the vasculature of the rat spermatic cord and testis. A scanning electron-microscopic study of vascular corrosion casts.

    abstract::The vascular architecture of the rat testis and spermatic cord was studied by a corrosion cast technique combined with scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and light microscopy. The casts preserve the endothelial impressions of the vessels and enable them to be differentiated into the various vascular compon...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Weerasooriya TR,Yamamoto T

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Scanning electron microscopy of macrophages in the tail musculature of the metamorphosing anuran tadpole, Rana japonica.

    abstract::Scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the morphological changes of the tail musculature of the metamorphosing anuran tadpole, attention being focused on phagocytosis by macrophages. Muscle fibers were stained en bloc with silver and freeze-fractured during dehydration, or torn after drying. Samples were...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Watanabe K,Horiguchi T,Sasaki F

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Retrograde labeling of regenerated electromotor neurons with HRP in a teleost fish, Sternarchus albifrons: relation to cell death.

    abstract::Back-labeling of regenerated electromotor neurons in the teleost Sternarchus albifrons was performed to test the hypothesis that, in regenerated spinal cord, incorrectly located electromotor neurons are eliminated because their axons do not reach the correct target area (electric organ). In each cross section examined...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Anderson MJ,Fong HL,Waxman SG

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Ultrastructural aspects of cryofixed nerves.

    abstract::The ultrastructure of the optic and trigeminal nerves of the rat, cryofixed by use of a liquid nitrogen-propane jet, was examined, paying special attention to the myelin sheath and the cytoskeleton of the axoplasm. The cytoskeleton of the axoplasm is formed by a meshwork of neurofilaments and microtubules connected bo...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Meller K

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

  • Demonstration of the granular layer and the fate of the hyaline layer during the development of a sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus).

    abstract::Employing electron-microscopic methods that help retain polyanionic materials, we describe the extracellular coverings of a sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) throughout ontogeny. The surface of the embryo is covered by a two-layered cuticle (commonly called the hyaline layer), which in turn is covered by a granular l...

    journal_title:Cell and tissue research

    pub_type: 杂志文章


    authors: Cameron RA,Holland ND

    更新日期:1985-01-01 00:00:00

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